Winter Shakespeare 2025

Pride and Prejudice

Student Matinee Booking info

  • The show begins at 10:00 AM and ends at 12:00 PM, including a 10-minute intermission.

  • Every student matinee features a free 10-minute talkback with the actors following the performance -- a favorite among both teachers and students. Please add an additional ten minutes to this time if your group plans to stay for the talkback following the performance.

  • Each school matinee seat for students, teachers, and chaperones costs $10.00.

  • Two free tickets will be provided for teachers/chaperones per class (30 students).

  • You are responsible for paying for the total number of seats reserved as stated in your booking confirmation agreement, regardless of absences or changes in your number on the day of the performance. Once we have finalized all your booking details, you will receive a booking agreement and invoice.

  • Per our updated booking policies, any and all bookings and changes are subject to availability.

  • No bookings are final until payment has been received and the booking agreement has been signed and returned, unless otherwise approved by the Education Director. Payment and details must be completed and approved no later than three weeks from scheduled performance date, unless otherwise approved by the Education Director. 

Preferred Forms of Payment:

  • Mailed in to or dropped off at the Nashville Shakespeare Festival offices, 161 Rains Ave, Nashville, TN 37203, cash or check (made out to Nashville Shakespeare Festival, memo: Pride and Prejudice Student Matinee)

  • Credit Card over phone (must be arranged with Education Director)

  • Contact Education Director to inquire about any other forms of payment.

Please fill out the form below: