Weathering the Storm: Support Summer Shakespeare

We hope you have had the chance to experience the joy and fun of this year's Summer Shakespeare production of As You Like It! Since 1988, the Nashville Shakespeare Festival has been bringing the magic of live theatre to thousands of community members each summer—completely pay-what-you-will.

But as you know, hosting theatre under the stars comes with one big challenge: the weather. Unfortunately, this summer has seen multiple rain-outs, and with every missed performance, we also miss out on the vital donations that sustain our festival. 

But never fear! We’re not about to let a few drops of rain dampen our spirits—or our goal. We’re aiming to raise $105,700 this summer, and while we’ve already made it to $75,667, we need your help to close the gap! 

Your support means more than just keeping the show going—it means continuing to offer an unforgettable theatre experience to thousands of people in our community, regardless of what they can pay. Every little bit helps! Please consider making a donation today: